Rules & RegulationsDelores Cromarty Memorial Marathon 1.) Open to all female. All participants must sign a registration/waiver form prior to the start of the race. Anyone under the age of 18 years old, must have form sign by parent. 2.) Entry fee of $75.00 must be paid prior to the race. There are two categories an open category and a local. A local athlete who would like to challenge both categories will pay an extra $25.00. 3.) The race course is 13 miles and it will be outlined by the race coordinator and will be provided to the runners prior to the race. 4.) Obstruction by a runner will result in disqualification at the discretion of the coordinator. 5.) Any runner surrendering the race must flag down the pacers. Pacers will be identified before the race. 6.) The Marathon will be officially over after all runners are accounted for and coordinator verifies all times. 7.) In the event of a protest a non-refundable fee of $500.00 must be paid and a written incident report submitted to the coordinator before the end of the event. 8.) This event may be postponed or cancelled at the discretion of the coordinator.
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