Rules & RegulationsMen's Fastball Tournament RULES FOUND IN THE 2003 SOFTBALL CANADA OFFICIAL GUIDE & RULE BOOK WILL BE FOLLOWED INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: 1.) Entry fee: $350.00 must be paid in full before your first game, along with team rosters. Rosters submitted by each team prior to the first game and be ruled final. (No additions can be made thereafter.) Fifteen to a roster. 2.) All players must submit a registration form as provided and players under 18 years old must have the consent portion of the form signed by parents and guardians. 3.) All games will be 5 innings long. Team up by 7 runs after 3 complete innings, wins. If game is tied after 5, the international rule will come into effect. 4.) Teams must have 9 players to start a game. Less than 9 will result in a default. If a team has 9 players and a player loss die to injury, that team will be allowed to continue under normal circumstances just for the remainder if that game only. 5.) Teams will be given a 5 minute grace period, if team cannot field 9 players. 6.) Players will not be permitted to wear metal cleats at any time. 7.) Tournament open to players of any level. Any coach or player suspended by his league or Provicial Body will not be eligible to play in the tournament. 8.) Team uniforms are recommended, but not required. 9.) Any protest must be submitted in writing and a protest fee of $500.00 (non-refundable) to the Tournament Coordinator after the game and before the next legal or illegal pitch is thrown in the next game. NORWAY HOUSE CREE NATION, TREATY & YORK BOAT DAYS COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO SEND OUR PARTICIPANTS GOODWILL, GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP AND GOOD LUCK!
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