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Rules & Regulations

Mixed Horse Shoe Tournament

Mixed team may consist of: men/men, women/women, women/men
- Play against ech other regardless of gender (male or female).

- 2 players to a stake - 4 persons in total per court pit.

- All players must be there at the start of the tournament.

- Grace time of 15 minutes will be allowed.

- No show will result in disqualification.

- Secret ballet will be used to determine place on score chart/sheet.

- A photo will be taken of winners at the end of event.

Rules of Play No bust, More than 21 points wins, Team with most points wins.
- Foul line will be drawn in; thrower must not step over this line when delivering horseshoe.

- Flip a coin to determine first throw.

- Players shall take turns in delivering one horseshoe at a time.

- One player of ech team remains at either end of the court throughtout the game.

- The score is counted only after 4 horseshoes have been delivered.

- No player shall make any remarks, utter any such sounds or make any movement that might interfere with an opponent in a pitching position.

- Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.

- Any player under the influence of alcohol or any substances is prohibited.

Scoring using point system:
- Ringer scores 3 points

- Double ringer by both opponents, no score.

- Ringer & horseshoe closest scores 4 points.

- Double ringer against 1 ringer by opponent scores 3 points.

- Triple ringers, top ringer scores 3 points only.

- A horseshoe that leans against the stake scores as 1 point.

- The team that scores highest at the end leads off for the next end.

In the event of a protest, a fee of $500.00 non-refundable must be paid in advance along with a written incident report from all parties involved and submitted to the coordinator before the end of the horseshoe tournament.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday the winners in both A & B sides can play free or can wait for he finals on Friday.

Prizes: 1st - $100.00 / 2nd - $80.00

Contact: Myles Duncan @ (204) 359-6930

Updated: 10:22 AM 24/07/03

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Norway House Cree Nation
Website Design by:
Lorry Ballantyne